
Review for “The Oracle”!

May 21, 2022

Our first review is in! “After a zany CEO brings in a second seer, cutthroat corporate intrigue and hilarity ensue in this well-played smart business world satire.” Read the entire review here:

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“The Oracle” opens tonight at Theater for the New City

May 18, 2022
Scene from "The Oracle"

It’s been a privilege to play Leo in “The Oracle,” a new comedy by T. J. Elliott and Joe Queenan. Terrific script requiring vocal gymnastics, a wildly talented cast, and creative and endlessly supportive direction by T. J. We are happily sold out tonight and Sunday, and the other performances are getting close to capacity. […]

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Stills from “Death Meets Toby”

November 15, 2019

I mentioned “Death Meets Toby,” one of the better short film experiences with a beautiful script. Here are some stills from director Adrián Lausell Cabán.

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“Murderer” – Official Selection

November 4, 2019

I’m so happy to share that “Murderer” is an official selection at both the Everybody Digital Film Festival and the Williamsburg Independent Film Festival. Congratulations to director Harry Boadu and producers Tom Ishizuka and Anne-Marcelle Ngabirano!

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“Death Meets Toby”

May 29, 2019

It’s not often that a script speaks to you on a very deep level. Death Meets Toby was that script. In Toby’s final moments, as he closes the garage door with the engine running, he travels deeply into his mind and hallucinates and revisits the fears and losses of his life. Beautifully written and sensitively […]

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Dad in “Incognito Mode”

May 3, 2019

This was a real blast playing a father who gets caught with you-know-what on his laptop. He tries to pawn it off on his son, who is way ahead of him… Deftly directed by Elise Raven and expertly shot by Paul Ward, this piece has an edge in the midst of its humor. What fun […]

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Dad in “A Good Home”

May 2, 2019

Very sensitively directed by Harvey Kingsley-Elton, this short tells the story of a young woman returning to her estranged family to save her brother from her overbearing mother. I got to play Paul, a dad who has given up on life but is pulled into the stormy relationships that bind the family together. Beautifully shot […]

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“Weekday” – Single Parent

February 19, 2019

Director Jingling Zhang sent me this picture from her short, “Weekday.” I play Andy, a single parent to a teenage daughter. Lovely experience with this creative team at NYU.

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“Mise En Scène Des Morts” (in French) – Jean Pierre

January 19, 2019

What a rare opportunity to shoot a film all in French, courtesy of talented director João Pedro Drumond. In an alternate reality, Jean Pierre (me) is a world famous photographer, arch nemesis to the protagonist Antoine (beautifully played by pro Pascal Yen-Pfister — It was my fortune to watch him work.). I was truly struck […]

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“Weekday” – Single Dad

January 19, 2019

Meaningful few days shooting a short from Columbia grad student Jingling Zhang. It’s a beautiful story about a single father (me) and his teenage daughter (intuitively played by Mika Wurf). I so enjoyed working with this production team. So smart and creative. Looking forward to our next time together!

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